All forms of segregation in schools should end – concludes ECRI

The new report on Bosnia published by ECRI denounces a persistent lack of political willingness in the country to build an inclusive society. Despite ECRI’s recommendation in its previous report, ethnically segregated education systems are still in place and the political elites of the three main ethnic groups show no willingness to embrace integrated schools.

“Ending all forms of ethnic segregation in schools is probably one of the most important tasks for Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is absolutely vital in order to build an inclusive society and to spare future generations the curse of ethnic divisionism and hatred.” said ECRI’s Chair, Christian Ahlund.

Inter-ethnic tensions remain dangerously high in the country and the political discourse, including in the media, is still characterised by the frequent use of hate speech, while the authorities’ reaction is almost inexistent.

The report makes a number of recommendations. The following one is to be implemented on a priority basis and will be the subject of interim follow-up by ECRI within two years:

All forms of segregation in schools should end and the common core curriculum should be fully applied and further developed. A learning environment free from discrimination needs to be ensured and any symbols that represent an ethnic or religious bias should be removed.

New report also states that there has been no progress towards executing the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Sejdić and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country’s constitution continues to tie eligibility for certain high political offices to a person’s ethnicity. The unwillingness to change these provisions is symptomatic for the existing political obstacles to overcoming the ethnic partition of the country.